Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Farming techniques and discus care

1.1. Origin and ecological characteristics of discus 

- Fish Disc was discovered in 1840 by an Austrian ichthyologist - Johann Jacob Heckel Dr.
- Hometown of individual disk is low-lying waters, stagnant on the Amazon tributaries flow through the South American countries such as Brazil, Peru, Venezuela and Columbia. Waters to find fish Discs ecological characteristics include: water is in, visibility can be up to 1.6 - 4.5m; slightly acidic water, pH = 4-7 (mostly pH = 4-6); total hardness is very low (very soft water): 1odH (17-18 mg / l CaCO3), relatively warm water temperatures (26oC); soluble salt content is very low: 10-60 ms (microseimens).
- Location of fish classified in Class Fish Bone CD is as follows:
Department bass: Perciformes
They Tilapia: Cichlidae
Species: Symphysodon discus Heckel (Disc fish blue, red vertical stripes 9)
Symphysodon aequifasciatus, there are 3 subspecies
S. aequifasciatus aequifasciatus (Disc fish blue - green discus)
S. aequifasciatus axelrodi (Disc fish brown - brown discus)
S. aequifasciatus haraldi (Disc fish blue - blue discus)
1.2. Some biological characteristics discus
The growing of aquarium glass, slow-growing fish: after 6-8 months of farming can be achieved: 6-10 cm (commercial size)
Reproduction: maturation follows: 12-20 months old. Fish lay eggs stick to the substrate. The eggs hatch after 50-60 hours (depending on temperature). Egg yolk diet in 2-3 days first, then the parents cling to their diet and their secretions on the parents. From the 12th day after hatching fish can eat bobo, brine shrimp. After 3-4 weeks the fish can only eat worms.
Tropical Fish
Fish farming Disc 2 easy or difficult? why?

"Private Disk is kind of difficult to breed fish in freshwater fish tropical" fish disk because there are so many differences in ecological requirements, biological characteristics compared with relatives of the tilapia we say and individual species of tropical freshwater fish in general. Thus in breeding condition, note 2 of the following characteristics:
1: Disc fish are the most sensitive species, particularly sensitive to
+ Noise, vibration light, strong light
+ The change of environment: temperature, pH, water hardness. Range adapt to the individual elements of the disk is very low.
+ The other disturbing factors, individual disk to stress when being harassed by the dynamic live fish.
+ The pathogens (fungi, parasites, bacteria, viruses)
Monday: Fish require very high disk on water quality
Therefore experience and also from the CD artisans fish: "Fish farming more difficult to address the different types of fish as we do not give them a suitable living environment"

3 The need for water quality in fish Disc
3.1. temperature
3.1.1. Effect of temperature on fish health Bowls

- The fish's body temperature changes according to the ambient temperature (this is distinguished from the terrestrial warm-blooded animals)
- Temperature directly affects the biochemical processes within their bodies. The temperature change is too large and will dramatically disrupt biochemical processes in the body and affect the normal development of the individual.

3.1.2. Suitable temperature for fish plate

- Mature fish, fish reproduction: 26-28 ° C
- Fry (newly hatched to 5-6 cm): 28-30 ° C

3.1.3. Temperature management with discus tanks

+ The tank placed in the room temperature stable (avoid drafts, roofing iron sheet absorbs heat)
+ Using heat to control the temperature in the tank (for fish or cold season)

3.2. PH for discus
3.2.1. Effect of pH and discus

+ PH directly affects the health of fish when there is a sudden change, the fish can be stressed or killed.
+ However, the influence is more important than indirect effects of environmental pH through the water. PH affects the concentration of dissolved nutrient salts, hardness of water, the toxin component. Specifically, as the higher the pH, concentration of non-ionic ammonia (NH3) as much and is very harmful to the fish, whereas when pH decreases the toxicity of sulfurhydro gas (H2S) is increasing.

3.2.2. PH suitable for fish Disc

+ Fish reproduction: 5.5 - 6.2
+ Juveniles: 6.5 - 6.8
+ Adults: 6 - 6.8

3.2.3. Manage pH suitable for discus

+ How to increase the pH:
+ Enhanced aeration in the tank or cistern light, enhanced photosynthesis, reducing the concentration of CO2, the pH rises
+ Use of lime to neutralize bankruptcy
+ To lower pH
+ Use phosphoric acid (H3PO4) or citric acid (vinegar).
+ Biofilter also help lower the pH of water.

3.3. Water hardness breeding discus
3.3.1. Effect of water hardness

+ Hardness of water directly affects the process of conditioning the osmotic pressure of the fish. Each species adapted to different hardness and adaptability with the variation of different hardness.
+ Hardness of water also affects the levels of calcium (Ca) in fish blood.
+ Also, the hardness also affects the hatching of eggs.

3.3.2. The hardness of water suitable for fish Disc

+ Fish reproduction: 3-10 ODH, best: 5-6 ODH (1odH = 17.9 mg CaCO3 / L)
+ Juveniles (<4 weeks): 8-10 ODH
+ Fish> 4 weeks of age: 8-15 ODH

3.3.3. Control of water hardness

+ Demand for water hardness is very low fish disk, so in farming techniques, often adjusted downward trend stiffness
+ The method reduces water hardness (mainly based on the principle of ion exchange Ca2 +)
+ Ion exchange resin particles,
+ Biofilter,
+ You can use extracts from peat (peat) (peat ability to absorb and release Ca2 + H + atoms).

3.4. Some toxins note

Chlorine or chloramine +
+ This is a kind of chemical disinfection of water, usually found in tap water (water supply due to water plants),
+ Very toxic to fish (direct impact to the ion exchange process of conditioning the osmotic pressure of the fish).
+ To eliminate the harm caused by chlorine in the water just continuous aeration at least 48 hours
+ To test the chlorine water was not using Orthotolidin 1%: Small 1-2 drops orthotolidin in 10-20 liters of water, if the water is still yellow chlorine and vice versa.
+ Ammonia (NH3-N), nitrite (NO2), nitrate (NO3) and sulfurhydro (H2S)
+ These substances are toxic to the fish, is the biodegradable organic matter in the water (from leftovers, excretory product of fish).
To prevent the formation of toxic substances, the need to increase dissolved oxygen levels in the water to promote aerobic decomposition process of the microbial metabolism of toxic substances into harmless or less more harmful. Also aeration process also enhances the release of toxic gases from the environment.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My collection
Hello people !!! Just picture of my Shrimp Bee ^-^